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CORE 技术复活治疗


与维奥拉的 Fusion® 治疗是一种安全的解决方案,有助于唇部矫正,恢复更年轻的外观和更紧致的感觉。感谢 Viora 的先进技术 Fusion® 治疗,阴唇区域可以通过以下方式完全治疗:CORE™ 技术(V-ST 手机)将射频能量从表面传递到生殖器区域。

Viora’s  Fusion® treatment is a safe solution that assists in labial correction, regaining a more youthful appearance and firmer sensation. Thanks to Viora’s state-of-the-art Fusion® treatment, the labia area can be completely treated with CORE™ Technology (V-ST Handpiece) delivering the RF energy superficially to the genital area.

|此疗程男女皆宜 |

C1C2 干 C 处理

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