Gold Endermopuncture Face Treatment
The first and only "Gold Endermolift Limited Edition" in Singapore. Acupoint faces drainage treatment. Major "detox" organs, the skin sometimes has trouble eliminating the billions of toxic substances (originating from a heavily covering cream, an excessively rich diet, free radicals..) accumulated daily. These substances asphyxiate the epidermis and clog the vital mechanism of the cells, accelerating the apparition of aging signs (wrinkles, dull complexion, loss of firmness, etc).
Inspired by the basic principles of acupuncture, the new Endermologie Cellular Regeneration treatment targets the organs responsible for elimination (large intestine, liver, gallbladder...) to accelerate the skin's detoxification. The new Endermopuncture maneuver operated by the LPG expert with the patented Ergolift treatment head allows a precise and regular solicitation of the strategic meridian points to foster the energy flow circulation. Results: purified and oxygenated, leaves the skin velvety, with complexion clarified.